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  • Justin Stoll charged on January 15, 2021 | Sedition Tracker

    Sedition Tracker

    se·​di·​tion: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority


    Justin Stoll

    AKA: Th3Real Huckleberry
    Residence: Ohio
    Age: 40
    Jurisdiction: Federal
    Docket Number: 22-cr-0015
    Case: USA v. STOLL
    Judge: Amit P. Mehta

    Arrested/Charged: 2021-01-15
    Plea Hearing: 2022-01-20
    Convicted: 2022-01-20
    Best Quote:
    "You can play that for the D.A. in court, I don’t care. If you ever jeopardize me, from being with my family, you will absolutely meet your mother fucking maker."