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  • Pat Stedman charged on January 21, 2021 | Sedition Tracker

    Sedition Tracker

    se·​di·​tion: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority


    Patrick Stedman

    Residence: New Jersey
    Age: 32
    Occupation: Dating + Relationship Strategist
    Jurisdiction: Federal
    Docket Number: 21-cr-0383
    Case: USA v. STEDMAN
    Judge: Beryl A. Howell

    Arrested/Charged: 2021-01-21
    Indicted: 2021-06-02
    Trial Date: 2023-06-05
    Trial Type: Jury Trial
    Convicted: 2023-06-09
    Best Quote:
    "I was pretty much in the first wave, and we broke down the doors and climbed up the back part of the Capitol building and got all the way into the chambers"