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  • Cale Clayton charged on March 28th, 2022 | Sedition Tracker

    Sedition Tracker

    se·​di·​tion: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority


    Cale Clayton

    Residence: Missouri
    Age: 41
    Jurisdiction: Federal
    Docket Number: 22-cr-0139
    Case: USA v. CLAYTON
    Judge: Royce C. Lamberth

    Arrested/Charged: 2022-03-28
    Indicted: 2022-04-22
    Plea Hearing: 2023-03-10
    Convicted: 2023-03-10
    Best Quote:
    "Your fucking president told us to be here. You should be on this side, right here, going with us. You are an American citizen. Your fucking President told you to do that."